Choosing the Right Moisturizer for Acne-Prone Skin

choosing-the-right-moisturizer-for-your-skinMost of us who have oily skin think that it is not necessary to use a moisturizer for our skin. We even avoid the use of moisturizers thinking that the use of it will leave us with greasy feeling skin, and we generally fear the breakout of acne, blackheads, and pimples. Our skin needs constant hydration. Whether oily or dry, our skin benefits from the regular use of a good moisturizer.Usually, while one is undergoing acne treatment for a severe breakout, it is advised that topical application of any other product should be avoided as this might cause a hindrance in the treatment of acne. But if the case is not so severe, then one should use a good moisturizer at least once a day.

What kind of moisturizer should you choose?

The first and foremost step that one should follow is choosing a product that is noncomedogenic or non-acnegenic. Those who are prone to acne will benefit by such products as they do not block the pores and allow the skin to breathe freely. Such moisturizers are oil-free and they do not have added oils that leave your skin greasy. You could go in for an oil-free moisturizing lotion instead of a cream as creams tend to be heavier than lotions.

A moisturizer can act as an acne treatment lotion if it contains exfoliating ingredients. Ingredients such as salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyl acids, and retinol act as good exfoliating agents. They can turn out to be good acne treatments in cases of mild acne or comedonal acne. The rate of cell turnover is increased and dead skin is renewed faster. Be careful not to use such moisturizers if you are using a topical acne treatment medication. If you do so, your skin might get irritated and start flaking and peeling.

Choose a moisturizer that is fragrance-free and hypo-allergenic. If your skin is acne-inflamed or sensitive then avoid highly fragranced moisturizers. Treatment of acne, teamed with a moisturizer that is noncomedogenic and that has a SPF certification will be extremely beneficial to you. If you are using acne treatment medication that makes your skin photosensitive, then using a sunscreen lotion will help protect your skin.

Before you narrow down on your choice of a moisturizer for your acne-prone skin, it is advisable that you consult a dermatologist or an esthetician. You need not spend too much on a moisturizing lotion or cream that is oil-free. What counts is that your skin feels rejuvenated and hydrated sans the breakout of acne. Make a moisturizer part of your acne treatment regime and feel the difference.