Finding a Cheaper Alternative to Proactiv

Woman with moneyProactiv is one of the more popular acne treatment solutions on the market today, but it isn’t cheap. There are many people who look for cheaper alternatives as they find Proactiv too expensive. There are many cheaper acne treatment alternatives available on the market, but finding one that works as effectively as Proactiv, but cheap at the same time, can be tough, but not impossible.

When you are on a limited budget, expensive acne treatment products such as Proactiv may not be affordable. But the good news is that with more companies coming up with a wide range of acne treatment solutions, you can actually find a cheaper alternative that is as effective as Proactiv or better, but reasonably priced.

What ingredients make proactiv’s products effective?

Benzoyl peroxide is the most active ingredient in the Proactiv skin care line. The presence of this substance helps in reducing the number of acne-producing bacteria, particularly the Propionibacteria acnes. Choosing an acne treatment gel or lotion containing benzoyl peroxide would help you in finding a suitable proactiv alternative. Therefore, look for the generic benzoyl peroxide lotions and cleansers while buying acne treatment products at your drugstore.

Some of the acne treatment products in the Proactiv skin care line also contain glycolic acid. This is an alpha hydroxy acid, which is found in several skin care products. It functions as an effective exfoliant, helping to scrap off the dead skin cells so that they are easily removed from your body. This also helps in reducing the pore blockages which cause acne.

People mostly prefer the Proactiv line because it offers a complete acne treatment system, cleanser, toner, acne treatment moisturizer. Proactiv is also highly popular among acne sufferers because it not only helps in healing existing acne breakouts, but also prevents further breakouts. When Proactiv initially hit the market, this was a fairly new idea. However, there are many acne treatments solutions available now that offer the same if not better results as Proactiv. Some of the most reasonably priced acne care product lines that offer a complete acne treatment system include:

Your acne treatment system needn’t be too costly to be effective. It just needs to include the active ingredients that offer amazing results. Another alternative is to take the natural holistic approach, we have several articles on the site that teach how everyday natural products can be used to take advantage of a lifestyle-based, holistic approach to treating acne. I suggest Mike Waldens book acne no more ,this book is filled with proven natural techniques that work for all skin types and can purchased for $37.00.