Home Remedies For Red Acne Scars

image of natural herbsThere is one major problem that most people who suffer from acne encounter, and that is scarring. Sometimes, even after the acne has cleared up, the scars that remain can continue to be a source of depression and desperation for people. There are several ways in which acne scars can be treated. There are some home remedies for acne scars that are worth trying out. These methods can be successfully implemented to remove the scars or lighten their appearance.

Acne scars are caused when the skin tissue has been injured or destroyed from the prolonged existence of acne on the skin. They are a part of the skins gradual healing process, and they normally disappear if the lesion is not too deep. But if there is a deeper break in the wall of the pore then the healthy skin tissue gets destroyed. This causes inflamed scars, often red or brown in color. These scars can be reduced or cured using certain home remedies.

Quick acne home remedies for red scar treatment

You can make acne red scars disappear by following some of these simple natural techniques. Using natural home remedies on your acne scars can save you money on expensive acne scar treatment medications.

Try a scar lightening facial mask of tomato and cucumber. This mixture should be applied on the face and left for up to 20 to 30 minutes. This also works well as an acne home remedy.

Applying plain cucumber juice on the face also helps to lessen the scars. This is a time tested acne home remedies. By soaking a cotton ball in cucumber juice and leaving it on the affected area you can maximise the amount of juice that is absorbed by your skin. You may also try rubbing a slice of tomato on your face, leaving the juice to dry for ten minutes and then washing it off.

Those who have skin that is not too sensitive can try leaving lemon juice on the face overnight. This can be applied on clean skin or on top of make up as well. Lemon has magical bleaching and skin lightening properties. This is an effective home remedy for acne red scars.

Potato juice contains sulfur, chlorine, potassium, and phosphorus. Raw potato juice should be used to remove acne scars as they have live organic properties.

Roseship seed oil can help get rid of red acne scars to a great extent if it is applied directly on the skin. You can give some of these home remedies a try to treat your acne scars they are low cost, easily available, and extremely safe.